Get Custom Token

Get metadata of a custom token

Custom Token API

Provides token details for a user-specified token that is not included in Rango's official list. Currently supports blockchains based on Solana and EVM.

const tokenResponse = await rango.token({
    "blockchain": "SOLANA", 
    "address": "3yoMkf3X6bDxjks6YaWwNk4SAbuaysLg1a4BjQKToQAA"

Custom Token Request

  • blockchain* String

    • Description: The blockchain which the token belongs to.

    • Example: SOLANA

  • address* String

    • Description: Smart contract address of the token.

    • Example: 3yoMkf3X6bDxjks6YaWwNk4SAbuaysLg1a4BjQKToQAA

Custom Token Response

  • token

    • Description: The token's metadata

  • error

    • Description: Error message if there was any problem

  • errorCode

    • Description: Error code if there was any problem

  • traceId

    • Description: Trace id help Rango support to resolve the issue

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