Get Token Balance

Get details of a list of wallet addresses, including their explorer Url & balance

Get Token Balance API

This endpoint returns the balance of a specific token for the provided address.

const balance = await rango.tokenBalance({
    walletAddress: "0x9F8cCdaFCc39F3c7D6EBf637c9151673CBc36b88",
    blockchain: "BSC", 
    symbol: "BNB",
    address: null,

Token Balance Request

  • blockchain* String

    • Description: The blockchain which this token belongs to.

    • Example: BSC

  • symbol* String

    • Description: The token symbol.

    • Example: BNB

  • address String

    • Description: Smart contract address of token, null for native tokens.

    • Example: null

  • walletAddress* String

    • Description: User wallet address for the desired blockchain.

Token Balance Response

  • balance

    • Description: balance amount

    • Example: 46077752529840023

  • error

    • Description: Error message if there was any problem

  • errorCode

    • Description: Error code if there was any problem

  • traceId

    • Description: Trace id help Rango support to resolve the issue

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