API Troubleshooting
Rango Exchange API Troubleshooting
Error Codes
This sections outlines the structure of Rango error responses and error codes, and describes the possible errors integrators may encounter when using our APIs. Rango error responses contain three fields: error, errorCode, and traceId.
Error: Describes what happened in Rango.
Error Code: Indicates the general type of error as defined in this documentation.
Trace ID: A number that the integrator can provide to Rango to trace the error and locate the corresponding request in our logs.
Rango error codes follow a four-digit format. The first two digits indicate the error category, and the last two specify the error type.
Error Code Categories
Server Errors (11)
1101: In some cases, the integrator might encounter an internal server error. When this occurs, the Rango team will automatically be notified and will address the issue immediately. If the error persists, please contact us.
1102: An exception occurred in one of the underlying protocols.
Validation Errors (12)
1201: This error occurs when a bad request is sent through the Rango API. Please review the API response for details on how to resolve the issue.
1202: The provided input exceeds the permitted limits of the swapper (either above the maximum or below the minimum). The API response returns the quoted swapper’s minimum and maximum threshold. It varies for each swapper and token.
1203: Rango was unable to retrieve your wallet balance for the input or fee token.
1204: The transaction hash provided by the integrator is invalid, possibly due to an incorrect approval transaction or an incorrect format.
1205: Rango was unable to locate the token for the provided token contract address.
1206: The requested blockchain is not supported by Rango or the type is wrong. You can find Rango supported blockchain in the Meta API.
Routing Errors (13)
1301: This swap would result in a loss of more than 18% of the user's input USD value.
1302: This error occurs when there is a significant discrepancy between the quoted amount and the transaction’s creation amount.
1303: The route has expired, and a transaction can no longer be created using this route. This error occurs if the integrator attempts to create the transaction more than 5 minutes after the quote response. Although integrators have a 5-minute window to create the transaction, we recommend doing so within 1 minute due to high rate fluctuations on the blockchain.
1304: No valid route was found for this swap.
Authentication Errors (14)
1401: This error occurs during authentication (e.g., when an affiliate attempts to log in) if the provided credentials are invalid.
KYC Errors (15)
1501: Swapper’s KYC verification is required when a transaction involves a large amount or when a suspicious wallet is detected. (Currently only SWFT has such a mechanism on Rango)
Last updated
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