Description: The unique ID which is generated in the best route endpoint.
step * Number
Description: The current step number in a multi-step route, starting from 1.
Example: 1
Description: User settings for the swap, including slippage and infinite approval.
Description: The validation checks we are interested to check by Rango before starting the swap.
export type CreateTransactionRequest = {
requestId: string
step: number
userSettings: UserSettings
validations: CreateTransactionValidation
export type UserSettings = {
slippage: string
infiniteApprove?: boolean
export type CreateTransactionValidation = {
balance: boolean
fee: boolean
approve: boolean
Create Transaction Response
Description: If true, Rango has created a non-null transaction, and the error message is null.
Description: Transaction's raw data. It is one of the transaction possible interfaces: EvmTransaction, CosmosTransaction,TransferTransaction (for UTXO), SolanaTransaction, StarknetTransaction, TronTransaction or null.
Description: Error message about the incident if ok == false.
Description: Error code shows the type of error.
Description: Trace Id helps Rango support team to trace an issue.