Check Approve Transaction Status

Check status of approve transaction

Check Approval Status API

When createTransaction returns an approval transaction (i.e. isApprovalfield is true in transaction), and the user signs that transaction, you could periodically call check-approval to see if the approval transaction is completed. After a successful check, you should call createTransaction again to receive the main transaction.

const transaction = await rango.checkApproval({
    requestId: "b3a12c6d-86b8-4c21-97e4-809151dd4036", // bestRoute.requestId
    txId: "0x7f17aaba51d1f24204cd8b02251001d3704add46d84840a5826b95ef49b8b74f" // optional

For checking approval transaction status, you could check it directly from the RPC endpoint if you prefer and skip calling Rango API for this purpose.


It is important to use approve transaction data generated by Rango API and not hard-coding something on your client side for creating approve transaction, because for some protocols (some bridges), the contract that should be approved is dynamically generated via their API based on route.

You could stop checking approval method if:

  • Approval transaction succeeded. => isApproved === true

  • Approval transaction failed. => !isApproved && txStatus === 'failed'

  • Approval transaction succeeded but currentApprovedAmount is still less than requiredApprovedAmount (e.g. user changed transaction data in wallet and enter another approve amount in MetaMask instead of default approve amount proposed by Rango API) => !isApproved && txStatus === 'success'

Check Approval Request

  • requestId *

    • Description: The unique ID which is generated in the best route endpoint.

    • Example: b3a12c6d-86b8-4c21-97e4-809151dd4036

  • txId

    • Description: Transaction hash returned by wallet

    • Example: 0x7f17aaba51d1f24204cd8b02251001d3704add46d84840a5826b95ef49b8b74f

Check Approval Response

  • isApproved

    • Description: A flag which indicates that the approve tx is done or not.

  • txStatus

    • Description: Status of approve transaction in blockchain (possible values are success, running and failed)

      if isArppoved is false and txStatus is failed, it means that approve transaction is failed in the blockchain.

  • currentApprovedAmount

    • Description: Required amount to be approved by the user.

  • requiredApprovedAmount

    • Description: Current approved amount by the user.

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