Metadata API

Get all blockchains, tokens and swappers meta data

Get Full Metadata (Test)

This service gathers all the essential data needed for a swap's UI, including list of all blockchains, tokens and protocols (DEXes & Bridges) metadata.

// basic usage
const meta = await rango.meta()
// filter response
const meta = await rango.meta({
    blockchains: ['ETH', 'POLYGON'],
    blockchainsExclude: false,
    swappers: ['Across', 'OneInchEth'],
    swappersExclude: false,
    swappersGroups: ['Across', '1Inch'],
    swappersGroupsExclude: false,
    transactionTypes: ['EVM'],
    transactionTypesExclude: false,
    excludeNonPopulars: false

Why is it required to obtain the list of supported tokens from Rango API?

Even if dApp has its own list of tokens and blockchains, it's still useful to get list of supported tokens by Rango:

  • To avoid extra API call when token is not supported by Rango

  • Access tokens' symbol which is required for getting quote for each token.

Why is it recommended to obtain the list of supported blockchains from Rango API?

  • For working with other API methods like quote or swap, you need to have identifier (name) of each blockchain. You could hard code blockchain names if you want to have limited chains support or get them dynamically via the API. (You could store a map of each blockchain chainId to Rango name if required.)

  • Because of different reasons like blockchains maintenance, Rango maintenance, hacks, and etc, a blockchain could be disabled in Rango. You could check which blockchains are enabled now using enabled flag for each blockchain in meta response.

Metadata Request



Pass comma separated list of blockchains if you want to filter meta blockchains to some specific ones. (e.g. POLYGON,ETH)


A boolean value indicating whether the specified blockchains should be excluded or included in the response.


Pass comma separated list of swappers if you want to filter meta swappers to some specific ones. (e.g. Across,OneInchEth)


A boolean value indicating whether the specified swappers should be excluded or included in the response.


Pass comma separated list of swapper groups if you want to filter meta swapper groups to some specific ones. (e.g. Across,1Inch)


A boolean value indicating whether the specified swapper groups should be excluded or included in the response.


Pass comma separated list of transaction types if you want to filter blockchains types to some specific ones. (e.g. EVM,COSMOS)


A boolean value indicating whether the specified transaction types should be excluded or included in the response.


It indicates whether secondary tokens should be excluded from the response. By secondary tokens, we mean tokens that are imported from our secondary tokens lists.


It indicates whether non-popular tokens should be excluded from the response. By popular tokens, we mean native token and stable coins of each blockchain.


Set this flag to true if you want to enable routing through the centralized solutions and obtain the associated metadata, including related swappers and tokens. The default value for this argument is false.

Metadata Response



List of all supported blockchains


List of all tokens


List of all supported protocols (DEXes & Bridges)

Get Specific Part of Metadata

If you only want to load a specific part of metadata rather than full metadata, i.e. only blockchains data, tokens list or supported protocols, you can use the following methods/endpoints:

Get List of Blockchains (Test)

const meta = await rango.chains()

Get List of Swappers (Test)

const meta = await rango.swappers()

Get List of Cross-Chain Messaging Protocols (Test)

const meta = await rango.messagingProtocols()

Last updated