
Executing the swap

Here is a sample code of how passing the swap response containing an EVM transaction to the wallet, sign it by the user, and track it using the rango client.

Sample EVM Execution
import { ethers } from 'ethers'
import {
} from 'rango-sdk-basic'

const rango = new RangoClient(RANGO_API_KEY)
const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum)
const signer = provider.getSigner()

const swapRequest = {
  from: {
    "blockchain": "BSC", 
    "symbol": "BNB", 
    "address": null
  to: {
    "blockchain": "AVAX_CCHAIN", 
    "symbol": "USDT.E", 
    "address": "0xc7198437980c041c805a1edcba50c1ce5db95118"
  amount: "100000000000000000",
  fromAddress: "0xbe807dddb074639cd9fa61b47676c064fc50d62c",
  toAddress: "0xbe807dddb074639cd9fa61b47676c064fc50d62c",
  slippage: '1.0',
  disableEstimate: false, 
  referrerAddress: null,  // your dApp wallet address for referral
  referrerFee: null,      // your dApp desired referral fee percent 

const swap = await rango.swap(swapRequest)

if (!!swap.error || swap.resultType !== 'OK') {
  const msg = 
    `Error swapping, message: ${swap.error}, status: ${swap.resultType}`
  throw new Error(msg)

const evmTransaction = swap.tx as EvmTransaction

// needs approving the tx
if (swap.approveTo && swap.approveData) {
  const approveTx = prepareEvmTransaction(evmTransaction, true)
  const approveTxHash = (await signer.sendTransaction(approveTx)).hash
  await checkApprovalSync(swap.requestId, approveTxHash, rango)

// main transaction
const mainTx = prepareEvmTransaction(evmTransaction, false)
const mainTxHash = (await signer.sendTransaction(mainTx)).hash
const txStatus = await checkTransactionStatusSync(

And here you can see a sample implementation of utility functions including prepareEvmTransaction , checkTransactionStatusSync, and checkApprovalSync which are used in the above code:

Utility functions
import {TransactionRequest} from "@ethersproject/abstract-provider/src.ts/index";
import {
} from "rango-sdk-basic";

export function prepareEvmTransaction(
  evmTx: EvmTransaction, 
  isApprove: boolean
): TransactionRequest {
  const gasPrice = !!evmTx.gasPrice && !evmTx.gasPrice.startsWith('0x') ?
      '0x' + parseInt(evmTx.gasPrice).toString(16) : null,
  const manipulatedTx = {

  let tx = {}
  if (!!manipulatedTx.from) tx = { ...tx, from: manipulatedTx.from }
  if (isApprove) {
    if (!!manipulatedTx.approveTo) tx = {...tx, to: manipulatedTx.approveTo}
    if (!!manipulatedTx.approveData) tx = {...tx, data: manipulatedTx.approveData}
  } else {
    if (!!manipulatedTx.txTo) tx = { ...tx, to: manipulatedTx.txTo }
    if (!!manipulatedTx.txData) tx = { ...tx, data: manipulatedTx.txData }
    if (!!manipulatedTx.value) tx = { ...tx, value: manipulatedTx.value }
    if (!!manipulatedTx.gasLimit) tx = { ...tx, gasLimit: manipulatedTx.gasLimit }
    if (!!manipulatedTx.gasPrice) tx = { ...tx, gasPrice: manipulatedTx.gasPrice }
  return tx

export async function checkApprovalSync(
  requestId: string, 
  txId: string, 
  rango: RangoClient
) {
  while (true) {
    const approvalResponse = await rango.isApproved(requestId, txId)
    if (approvalResponse.isApproved) {
      return true
    await sleep(3000)

const checkTransactionStatusSync = async (
  requestId: string,
  txId: string,
  rango: RangoClient
) => {
  while (true) {
    const txStatus = await rango.status({
    .catch(error) => {
      console.log({ error })
    if (!!txStatus) {
      // show latest status of the transaction to the user
      console.log({ txStatus })
      if (
        !!txStatus.status &&
        [TransactionStatus.FAILED, TransactionStatus.SUCCESS].includes(
      ) {
        return txStatus
    await sleep(3000)

Last updated