Blockchains Metadata

Get list of blockchains supported by Rango

If you want to only receive the metadata for supported blockchains, you can use use chains method like this:

const meta = await rango.chains()
Metadata API

This is a sample of response for blockchains metadata endpoint:

    "name": "ETH",
    "defaultDecimals": 18,
    "addressPatterns": [
    "feeAssets": [
        "blockchain": "ETH",
        "symbol": "ETH",
        "address": null
    "type": "EVM",
    "chainId": "0x1",
    "logo": "",
    "displayName": "Ethereum",
    "shortName": "ETH",
    "sort": 0,
    "color": "#ecf0f1",
    "enabled": true,
    "info": {
      "infoType": "EvmMetaInfo",
      "chainName": "Ethereum Mainnet",
      "nativeCurrency": {
        "name": "ETH",
        "symbol": "ETH",
        "decimals": 18
      "rpcUrls": [
      "blockExplorerUrls": [
      "addressUrl": "{wallet}",
      "transactionUrl": "{txHash}",
      "enableGasV2": true
    "name": "BTC",
    "defaultDecimals": 8,
    "addressPatterns": [
    "feeAssets": [
        "blockchain": "BTC",
        "symbol": "BTC",
        "address": null
    "type": "TRANSFER",
    "chainId": null,
    "logo": "",
    "displayName": "Bitcoin",
    "shortName": "BTC",
    "sort": 13,
    "color": "#F7931A",
    "enabled": true,
    "info": null
    "name": "TRON",
    "defaultDecimals": 18,
    "addressPatterns": [
    "feeAssets": [
        "blockchain": "TRON",
        "symbol": "TRX",
        "address": null
    "type": "TRON",
    "chainId": "0x2b6653dc",
    "logo": "",
    "displayName": "Tron",
    "shortName": "Tron",
    "sort": 12,
    "color": "#FF060A",
    "enabled": true,
    "info": {
      "infoType": "EvmMetaInfo",
      "chainName": "TRON Mainnet",
      "nativeCurrency": {
        "name": "TRX",
        "symbol": "TRX",
        "decimals": 6
      "rpcUrls": [
      "blockExplorerUrls": [
      "addressUrl": "{wallet}",
      "transactionUrl": "{txHash}",
      "enableGasV2": false
    "name": "COSMOS",
    "defaultDecimals": 6,
    "addressPatterns": [
    "feeAssets": [
        "blockchain": "COSMOS",
        "symbol": "ATOM",
        "address": null
    "type": "COSMOS",
    "chainId": "cosmoshub-4",
    "logo": "",
    "displayName": "Cosmos",
    "shortName": "Cosmos",
    "sort": 16,
    "color": "#2E3148",
    "enabled": true,
    "info": {
      "infoType": "CosmosMetaInfo",
      "experimental": false,
      "rpc": "",
      "rest": "",
      "cosmostationLcdUrl": "",
      "cosmostationApiUrl": "",
      "cosmostationDenomTracePath": "/ibc/apps/transfer/v1/denom_traces/",
      "mintScanName": "cosmos",
      "chainName": "Cosmos",
      "stakeCurrency": {
        "coinDenom": "ATOM",
        "coinMinimalDenom": "uatom",
        "coinDecimals": 6,
        "coinGeckoId": "cosmos",
        "coinImageUrl": "/tokens/blockchain/cosmos.svg"
      "bip44": {
        "coinType": 118
      "bech32Config": {
        "bech32PrefixAccAddr": "cosmos",
        "bech32PrefixAccPub": "cosmospub",
        "bech32PrefixValAddr": "cosmosvaloper",
        "bech32PrefixValPub": "cosmosvaloperpub",
        "bech32PrefixConsAddr": "cosmosvalcons",
        "bech32PrefixConsPub": "cosmosvalconspub"
      "currencies": [
          "coinDenom": "ATOM",
          "coinMinimalDenom": "uatom",
          "coinDecimals": 6,
          "coinGeckoId": "cosmos",
          "coinImageUrl": "/tokens/blockchain/cosmos.svg"
      "feeCurrencies": [
          "coinDenom": "ATOM",
          "coinMinimalDenom": "uatom",
          "coinDecimals": 6,
          "coinGeckoId": "cosmos",
          "coinImageUrl": "/tokens/blockchain/cosmos.svg"
      "features": [
      "explorerUrlToTx": "{txHash}",
      "gasPriceStep": {
        "low": 0.01,
        "average": 0.025,
        "high": 0.04
    "name": "SOLANA",
    "defaultDecimals": 9,
    "addressPatterns": [
    "feeAssets": [
        "blockchain": "SOLANA",
        "symbol": "SOL",
        "address": null
    "type": "SOLANA",
    "chainId": "mainnet-beta",
    "logo": "",
    "displayName": "Solana",
    "shortName": "Solana",
    "sort": 21,
    "color": "#708DD2",
    "enabled": true,
    "info": null

Last updated